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Make a Donation
I want to support Faith in Action Georgetown, a 501(c)(3) organization.
Contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Memorial / Honor Gift
Give a gift in honor or memorial of a loved one. It makes a wonderful holiday gift for someone in your life. And one size fits all!
Recurring Monthly Gift
Automatically set up your gift so you can set it and forget it! Your monthly contribution makes it possible for us to continue our rides and other services to seniors in need.
Leave a Legacy
Include Faith in Action Georgetown in your estate plan to ensure a continuing legacy of giving. We can help walk you through the process to ensure your wishes are carried out with dignity and stewardship.

Other Ways to Give
Make payable to "Faith in Action Georgetown" and send directly to us at our mailing address: 2425 Williams Drive #104, Georgetown, TX 78628
Automatic Bank Draft
Contact your bank to begin this process. For information needed from us, please call our office at 512-868-9544 and we will be happy to assist you.
Memorial or Tribute Donations
Thank you for honoring your loved one with gifts to Faith in Action Georgetown. If you are planning to remember or honor your loved one this way, please call 512-868-9544.
Event Sponsorship
We have lots going on this year as we celebrate 23 years of service. Call 512-868-9544 to see how your company can join the fun!
Workplace Giving
Many companies offer matching gifts for employees. Please contact our Director of Business Operations through e-mail or by phone at 512-868-9544 to learn more.
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