Pay Your Pal
Pay Your Pal is a voucher program that allows older adults to be able to go where they want when they want. Clients are reimbursed for miles driven. The client pays nothing for this service and reimburses their driver(s) with funds provided by a federal grant through Faith in Action.
To qualify for this program, the client and the driver will need to meet the following qualifications.
Reside in Georgetown
​Be 65 years of age or older
Have a willing Driver to conduct trips.
​**FIAG does not provide the driver or schedule the trips.
A valid driver’s license
Current insurance coverage
​A reliable vehicle suitable for transporting the client.
Interested in learning more?
Call today for your pre-screening and to schedule your in-person appointment. **Appointments are in-home and take approximately 30 minutes.
Call 512-868-9544 or email